

I like so many other children in America was falsely taught in school, that the civil war (April,12, 1861to may 9, 1865) was fought to give black people freedom and that black people received that freedom from slavery after the civil war ended in 1865, when the abolitionist north won, the war.


Years later I would sadly learn that systematic slavery never ended after civil war, in fact the 13th amendment Was passed by the United States senate to keep a form of systematic slavery alive and well in America. On April 8, 1864, before the civil war even ended. The thirteenth Amendment states: Section #1. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for a crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within, the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.

Even today slavery still exist through America, legally in maximum security prisons, like the Angola prison in Louisiana or the parchman farm prison in Mississippi, just to name a couple. There prisoners are forced to work or be punished by solitary confinement, which often times makes inmates go insane, if in there for long periods of time.

Inmates are often times forced to work for free, but if they are giving any compensation, it can be as meager as two cents an hour, or 16 cents a day, which only adds up to approximately $3.20 a month, depending on the length of the month.

Currently America leads the industrialized world, with approximately 2.2 million prison inmates, which means their are more people in chains, forced to work than before the civil war and considering the racially bias justice system and racial profiling, a large percent of the inmates are black, even though blacks are make up as little as 12 percent of the United States population.

Today’s prison-slaves, often times have to do mining work, Agriculture, build military equipment and make garments for big business corporations, they same way their ancestors were forced to work the cotton fields and plantations of the antebellum slavery days.

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1 Comment »

  1. If you haven’t watched this yet then watch it because it is a real eye opener. You are right slavery did not end they just legalized it.

    I did write a few blogs on this topic but over the Internet the first thing I noticed is that people with the means to change things tried to turn this into a Democratic or Republican issue. The fact is we have had several Democrats and Republicans that could of done the right thing decades ago but none of them did. No side whatsoever stopped the abuse and it has gone on for over a hundred years.

    When the civil war was fought and won Lincoln wanted everyone to be free as soon as the war was over. Both sides were so volatile towards each other and towards the black race during the time. There is a paper on this and I am pretty sure it possibly is in a few College history books on how Lincoln decided to play it cool so that both sides could grasp the new law and what it meant for America. His paper stated he meant no harm to come to anyone, but if he had of sent troops into the south to enforce the new law he was worried they would be back to square one. The war could of continued for decades. So he let the south lick their wounds and cool off in hopes that those that followed Lincoln could put in place the new enforcement of the law a little at a time.

    I really understand as to why he did it. But perhaps he should of put a time limit in place?
    Lincoln had no idea at the time on how the Amendment could be used against the black people and poor.

    Today we have to ask ourselves on why we feel the need to control others? Why do we feel that only those at the top are entitled? When Justice and education is used against the black and poor populations there is no freedom. The top has literally damaged generations. What a sad America we have when a select few can decide the faith of so many.

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